
There are so many..

Well, I am getting so many hits here on a daily basis; it's exciting really. I am glad that so many people are finding their way over here. In the nine months that I have been up and running I have gone to just 42 hits in one month (97 page views) all the way up to 846 hits in September alone (1,155 page views)!

I'm excited! I am obviously giving you all information that you are looking for; and I'm hoping a little bit more as well. My question to you today is:

What else would you like to know?

Leave it in the comments. Do you have a particular challenging situation? Do you want to know about a specific product? Do you need a particular theme project idea? Let me know. The possibilities are endless.

Thank you for your readership as well. I will also be announcing a contest in the next week. I promise it will be easy to enter. And I think this is something that every classroom could benefit from. The only clue on the prize I will tell you is that it is something that I have talked about before.

So leave your comments for suggestions you have and stay tuned!

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