
Science Outdoors

We’ve been talking about science the last couple of days, now let’s transition to the outdoors.  The best way to transition on these two topics?  Talk about how they correlate together.

The BEST way to involve children with science outdoors is to create a garden.  That is entirely science at it’s greatest!  In addition, you are teaching children to grow great food AND if they grow it, they’ll eat it!

There are two ways to grantee that children will eat their fruits and vegetables: 1. have them grow them in a classroom garden; 2.  have them cook something with them (salads, fruit salad, etc…).

Now it is very important that the CHILDREN are involved in the garden.  If you just put out a plot of land and you plant and grow things then bring the children in and say, “wow, look at everything growing” you are not going to get them interested.  In addition, you aren’t teaching them much.

No, involve the children from the beginning.  Are you going to have starter seeds grow inside in a tray before transferring them into the garden?  Have the children plant the seeds and document their growth.  Talk about when is a good time to transfer them outside.

While they are growing, teach them to notice the difference between weeds and plants.  Just to be on the safe side so you don’t wander over one day and see all your carrots uprooted because they looked like weeds, make a standing rule that they can FIND weeds but only adults are allowed to pull them out so they must get an adult.

As things start to grow (and they do tend to grow very quickly) have them document again and really watch.  Count how many flower buds there are and then flowers and then pea pods. 

The most important thing is to observe and wonder!  Just like every other science project, wonder and awe about what is happening in front of you. 

If you have ever gardened before, you know that you won’t have to even act.  I’ll never forget the first time I gardened and found how quickly the corn stalks grew.  You could almost see it grow before your eyes!

So, what do you grow in your classroom gardens?

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