
Book of the Week- Where the Wild Things Are

 where the wild thingsTitle: Where the Wild Things Are

Author: Maurice Sendak
Illustrator: Maurice Sendak

Summary:The book tells the story of Max, who one evening plays around his home, "making mischief" in a wolf costume. As punishment, his mother sends him to bed without supper. In his room, a mysterious, wild forest and sea grows out of his imagination, and Max sails to the land of the Wild Things. The Wild Things are fearsome-looking monsters, but Max conquers them "by staring into their yellow eyes without blinking once", and he is made "the King of all Wild Things", dancing with the monsters in a "wild rumpus". He soon finds himself lonely and homesick, and he returns home to his bedroom, where he finds his supper waiting for him, still hot.

Review: This is a book that many of you now know of as a movie.  I cannot ignore the fact that this movie is wonderfully done…not for children, but wonderfully done.  I found myself smiling during most of it.  It was very well done and even the costumes were so detailed and got every aspect of the “things” from the book.  If you haven’t seen the movie and you are an adult…go see it!

Now for the book.  It is beautifully illustrated.  Maurice Sendak has an amazing artistic ability and this book rightfully one the Caldecott award. 

The story is enchanting and fun; however I do find at times that some children do not enjoy it so much.  I think it takes a specific type of child that enjoys this story, but for those children it is magical.

I do not typically read this as a group read; I reserve this for one on one or free choice reading time.  It’s a great cuddle-up-with-me book.  It is most definitely a must have for every classroom and home.  It is a classic book with a classic child.

maurice sendak

Maurice Sendak

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