
Obstacle Courses

A few months ago we ordered one of these. It has come in very handy in our toddler yard. Yes, our preschoolers could use it, too. However, we had some toddler grant money and so they were the lucky ones.

What I like about it is the versatility. The cones have holes in them so that you can stick bars through them for the children to climb or jump over. The hoops fit into the tops of the cones. I have put a small step on one side and a landing mat on the other for them to jump through. They have also used it to throw balls through as well.

There are also ropes that fit through the holes to make other obstacles. What I didn't notice, but found as a great bonus, where the street signs that come with it. They have been great in the bike path. I also borrowed the circles for the graduation carnival to be used at the bean bag toss patterning game.

Overall, things have held up pretty well in its daily abuse (oops, I mean use) from the toddlers. They are really enjoying it.

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